You’ll Never Walk Alone. Sung at the top of the lungs throughout the stands of Anfield. Shankly. Dalglish. Fowler. Gerrard. Names who have dawned the famed red jersey and kissed the badge. No other English club is as successful as Liverpool in European competitions. Founded by John Houlding in 1892 following a disagreement with the Everton committee, the Reds have been crowned champions of England on 19 occasions, needing to wait a lengthy 30 years to end the drought of collecting their most recent Premier League title. Authors of one of the greatest Champions League comebacks in the 2005 Final against AC Milan in Istanbul, Liverpool have conquered the competition a total of 6 times, winning their latest one in 2019 with Jurgen Klopp at the helm. Their well-known rivalry with Everton culminates every season in the red-hot Merseyside Derby, a temper-filled fixture regarded as one of the most tense ones in the EPL.
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